Courses are designed to provide a comprehensive educational experience and instill a sense of confidence for your exam
We offer online acupuncture review courses for the California Acupuncture Licensing Exam and the NCCAOM Board Exams. With an unparalleled success rate, TCM Review Seminars participants on average achieve pass rates ranging from 92% to 100% for the California exam, and 91% to 100% for the NCCAOM exams.
Our teachers are your teachers.
Our team of teachers offers you a broad and comprehensive preparatory experience. The current faculty is comprised of medical professionals and teachers at acupuncture colleges, many of whom are former students of TCM Review Seminars.
Courses are tailored to meet your needs.
We’ve spent years refining our curriculum and we closely follow the periodic changes to the CALE and NCCAOM exams. The content for each acupuncture review class is organized and delivered with an emphasis on the retention of vital information, and the crucial skill of adapting strategies for succeeding in the environment of standardized testing. Our model offers flexibility while conveying the necessary material and study methods that will prepare you to pass your exams.
Support our profession.
We are as committed to seeing acupuncture flourish and thrive as we are in seeing our students pass their acupuncture board exams. A portion of your tuition payment goes towards strengthening our profession by providing scholarships or donations to state and national professional organizations to defend acupuncture and our scope of practice.