Biomedicine Featured

Lynn Vincent

Lynn V.
NCCAOM Biomedicine - 2017
January 12, 2016
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Lynn Vincent

I want to thank you for having Dr. Pontecorvo teach with your tutoring program. His Monday live class sessions were always interesting–he brings life to the subject. He is both knowledgeable and a creative thinker. I appreciated his pictures for those of us with ADHD brains. I am a visual learner-so the pictures stick in my brain much better than the charts. Thanks for the well done program to both of you!

I want to thank you for having Dr. Pontecorvo teach with your tutoring program. His Monday live class sessions were always interesting--he brings life to the subject. He is both knowledgeable and a creative thinker. I appreciated his pictures for those of us with ADHD brains. I am a visual learner-so the pictures stick in

By |2021-10-04T15:33:57-07:00January 12th, 2016|
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