Kathy C, LAc, Licensed Acupuncturist, 2013

Kathy C, LAc.
CALE - 2013
March 11, 2018
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Kathy C, LAc, Licensed Acupuncturist, 2013

Thank you TCM Review! You enabled me to pass the CALE on my first try! You really did boil down the essential information and present it in ways that helped me to memorize it more effectively. And the methods you taught for quickly and accurately analyzing case studies are brilliant! In fact, I wish that I had taken your review course the summer before my third year as a consolidation of all the information coupled with your method for analyzing case studies would have made my third year classes and clinic experience much more meaningful.

By |2020-02-16T22:52:56-08:00March 11th, 2018|
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