Tisa Anderson, CALE 2014

Thank you TCM Review!!!! I couldn’t have passed the CALE without you!!! I had passed the first time in 2002 when I was fresh out of school. I then moved out of state and let my CA License expire (NOT recommended). I made the decision to move back to CA and had to retake the CALE with a rusty brain…..your course is what made me pass!!! I strongly recommend this course to anyone who is taking the CALE. The instructors are wise, caring, compassionate and know how to deliver the necessary information and keep you motivated!
Thank you TCM Review!!!! I couldn't have passed the CALE without you!!! I had passed the first time in 2002 when I was fresh out of school. I then moved out of state and let my CA License expire (NOT recommended). I made the decision to move back to CA and had to retake the